Products for curly hair

Produkte für lockiges Haar

4 years ago

Has Migros ever considered including some products for people with curly and afro hair in its range? The few products currently available do not meet their needs, as there are no creams, gels or hair masks (which are part of the daily routine). Although there are products for straight hair, they are not of much use to people with curls. The products available are also not moisturizing enough for Afro hair and contain substances (silicones, sulphates, parabens) that many people with curls avoid.
Brands like Cantu or Shae Moisture, on the other hand, specialize in curls and afro hair and know exactly which ingredients give good results. Including a brand like this would help a lot of people. Not to mention, in my opinion, it's a long overdue step towards inclusivity of other ethnicities. Isn't it crazy that a white woman with straight hair has hundreds of products to choose from and a dark-skinned woman with Afro hair not a single one?
