50% non-standard quality products
Produits à 50% qui ne sont pas de qualité standard
4 years ago
Too often Migros promotes products without mentioning that their quality does not correspond to the original product, and I don't think that's fair on their part. For example, I bought bags of Nature Chips M-classic XL no. 1019.113 and the chips inside didn't match the reference product, their texture was different and they didn't taste good, there were even some chips with green edges. I thought they were selling out the big packets because of the lack of parties due to the Corona virus. I bought 3 packets and I feel cheated by Migros, the word is not too strong. If I'd known the quality was inferior, I wouldn't have bought them, even at 50% off. I would like Migros to abandon these practices and make a commercial gesture. In any case, for me, confidence in Migros's lowered products is no longer there. This was one time too many.