Prices of Alnatura products

Preise von Alnatura Produkten

10 years ago

So if Migros is already complaining about the different cost prices in Germany and Switzerland, then please don't do the same: If I understand correctly, Alnatura is owned by Migros. So I don't understand why the same product costs around €1.50 in Weil am Rhein, but around €2.50 in Migros Gundelitor. If I can get fresh strawberries directly from local producers in Weil at the market for €2 (Migros Gundeli "only" CHF 4 due to a special offer), then I can buy Alnatura products in the Alnatura supermarket right next to Weiler Rathausplatz in the same breath. I am someone who is actually against shopping across the border. But when even Migros offers identical products in Switzerland at a much higher price than in Germany, I don't see why I shouldn't make the short journey by bike or the 8-seater Trämmli.
