that's great, today i bought a bar of chocolate (among other things) and it was marked fr. 1.50 on the counter, fr. 1.60 on the bar itself and fr. 1.70 on the receipt! i also just noticed that the chocolate has an expiration date of sept 2011.
every now and then i have products that have expired. even a frozen product. it's annoying to have to deal with everything.
i also often notice that organic vegetables/fruits go moldy quickly. sometimes after 1-2 days. even the ones on the refrigerated shelf in the grocery store.
i still find it annoying that 99% of the products are no longer labeled themselves. and sometimes there are promotions, some of which are in a rack in the middle of the aisle and nothing is labeled at all, but 20% off etc. so you would first have to go to the official rack to see what it would cost....
what i also find really great is that in the middle of the promotions there are also products with a normal price. there are promotion boards all around, so you can quickly see a product.
i have no desire whatsoever to have to go to customer service every time i need to buy something. but if you add it up over the year, it sometimes adds up to quite a lot....