Passion Quark Dessert Apricot

Passion Quark Dessert Aprikose


I'm already addicted!!! New fine dessert quark cream, highly recommended, an apricot dream!!! The fruit sauce in the middle is amazing, and the cream is very creamy and fine...
Only the name Passion is very confusing, at first I thought it was a passion fruit dessert...
Please introduce other flavors, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, banana, chocolate, kiwi, etc.

All replies (3)


Hello Migiela,

Thank you very much for your suggestions. I would be happy to pass on your idea of adding more varieties of dessert quark cream to the range to the product managers.

Are there any more lovers of Passion Quark Dessert Apricot here?

Kind regards,
Antonia, Migipedia team


I tried the Passion Quark Dessert Lemon. Unfortunately, the sauce in the middle tastes far too artificial to me. I couldn't finish the cup and the family didn't like them at all either...


Dear Migiela

According to our product manager, there are currently no plans to expand the Passion dessert line. We stock the raspberry flavor all year round, as well as apricot in winter and lemon from around April.

However, we will be happy to take your suggestions on board - perhaps other flavors will be added at a later date.

Kind regards
Tanja, Migipedia team