Orange - the color of Migros... but hard to read on a cell phone...

Orange - die Farbe der Migros... aber auf Handy schlecht lesbar...


I like to read Migipedia on the go and have added the Migipedia/ Community page to the quick selection in my Opera Mini browser.
Everything is flawless and easy to read, with the exception of the topics on the home page, which appear orange on a not quite white background (tinted orange), which is not so easy to read on my rather small screen. When I call up the discussion, the title is black and perfectly legible again.

Unfortunately, I have not found an option in the Migipedia settings to change this font color and/or the orange tinted background.... Does anyone know where this can be changed? If not possible, it would be my wish to adjust the title and/or background for better readability... ;-)
This doesn't bother me on the PC because the screen is also larger.
