Option "No printing of receipt" with Subito / Self-Checkout
Option "Kein Druck der Quittung" bei Subito / Self-Checkout
10 years ago
As a Cumulus participant, my receipts are saved - I would like an option "Do not print receipts at the checkout" - so no receipts are printed at the Subtio and Self-Checkout payment stations - the receipt is in the system and with the digital receipts the 2x and other receipts are also available digitally - this would also take into account point 2 ofpogonox. This would also take into account point 2 of pogonox- with self-checkout without cumuls, you might have to install an option like the ATM where the customer can decide whether he wants a receipt to be printed or not - saves a lot of paper, toner, costs and is also good for the environment