Untraceable transactions in the Cumulus account
Nicht nachvollziehbare Vorgänge beim Cumulus-Konto

I currently don't understand 3 processes and these are repeated again and again - just under different circumstances: -- Stamp cards : I am offered the product "Tartare", which has expired since 31.12.2021, with "Only valid today" -- Coupons : 10x the entire Do it + Garden range is in the coupons twice with the same end date "Still valid for 12 days" - that doesn't make any sense.... -- Coupons : Another such double suggestion, which can probably be activated at the same time, but at least one contains both products - also with the same expiration date in 16 days. a) All olive oils (excluding Migros Bio and Alnatura) and b) Entire Monini range... including an olive oil... I don't assume that I would get 40x if I bought Monini olive oil.... In general, I find it annoying: Either you get a 10x, 20x, 40x for the same product - immediately after a (bulk) purchase, if you have just bought such a product... or for products that you would never buy in your life... you should be able to reject the latter in order to be spared such offers ! Thank you for taking note !