Why do you always have to make everything worse? I think the new Migros website is just bad; it's commendable that everything has been geared towards online shopping, but for people who don't need or don't want to use it, the website is a pain. Before it was clearer, now you have to search for what's where, the font and the symbols are too small (nobody thinks about older people at Migros any more, only the hip young online shoppers are probably the deciding factor), the offers and weekly promotions don't match the online offers. Weekly promotions online don't match the Migros Week (on paper, Migros magazine enclosed), there are no promotions online that are in the paper edition (how am I as a customer supposed to know what's right? do I have to go to the store and check what's actually on offer and what isn't?) etc.? Looks to me like something half-finished was cobbled together and put online within a short space of time, the main thing is that it's online today, Tuesday, May 3, 2022...