Message to the great website programmer who created this "form".
Nachricht an den tollen Webseitenprogrammierer, der dieses "Formular" geschaffen hat.
9 years ago
Hello ... what you have programmed here is almost perfect ... it's much better than anything I've seen so far.
But there is one point that you could improve. Please set a minimum length for the text ... 10 characters or so .... it's a shame (I'm sure we both agree) that you can't allow users to just type "no!", but if people are constantly typing in a "smily", or completely unobjective words like "troll" to make a point, then the "discussion" becomes very tedious.
You could also solve this problem with more complex handling ... Each author has the right to post 2 short comments for every 20 "correct" comments. You could also implement a different idea ... you put a button after the relevant comments ... "Show more comments" and then the comments that have been "automatically sunk" (because they have no content) or manually "sunk" because they are not relevant will also be displayed. This is a version that I actually think makes a lot of sense ... you don't "censor", you put useless things at the end of the list.
It's very important that this platform doesn't become a dumbed-down copy of Facebook or Twitter, where people have to make lazy "friends", collect likes, or even give "forced likes" (...). You have to like this page, otherwise you can't take part in the competition). Real Migros customers are not "all-likers", but "cooperative members" who are actively interested in improvements.