Sustainability starts at the sales counter!

Nachhaltigkeit beginnt an der Verkaufstheke!

8 years ago

Dear Migros

I think your efforts in terms of sustainability are really exemplary and important. Nevertheless, there are things that really bother me when shopping and I can't understand why you don't just start with the obvious and seemingly banal things with sustainability. So.

I buy a lot of fruit and vegetables very often. Most people take a new bag for each product and throw them straight back in the garbage can at home. These are simply huge mountains of waste that are produced! I don't think I need to mention how bad plastic bags are for the environment. I hardly ever see people throwing products into the same bag or taking their own with them. I can understand that (somehow...). I once saw in a Migros in Zurich that you offered reusable bags for sale! However, they were barely visible and I never saw them again. What about biodegradable (or at least partially biodegradable) bags? Or "Netzlis"? There is also bioplastic. As a start, at least pack organic products in such packaging (if packaging is needed at all). I think something urgently needs to be done!

I've been going to the Coop a lot in the last few weeks. Not because I generally prefer to go there, but because they have "Ünique" food. Vegetables and fruit that aren't so pretty and standardized and are usually thrown straight in the garbage can. The fact that it's very cheap is a nice side effect. For me, it's about the basic idea and every time I buy Ünique products at Coop, I can make a contribution to sustainability. One of your employees once wrote to me that "your" Ünique products are sold as "Migros Budget". But when I look at the products, I find that hard to believe to be honest...

So, done shopping: I arrive at the checkout. The nice sales clerk asks me whether I want the receipt or not, but it is printed automatically. Why? I have often seen abroad that the receipt is only printed on request. The data should be stored electronically anyway. This could save sooo much paper and toxic ink - and save you money too! Or at least using recycled paper would be a good start.

There are plenty of other ideas, but I'm looking forward to hearing back about my inputs today :)

Best regards
