Migros Montreux

Migros Montreux


I would like to inform and give my opinion concerning Migros de Montreux.

On several occasions over the last 3 years, the fruit and vegetable section has given me a great deal of displeasure.
Several times I've found rotten fruit.
I agree that this can happen once in a while, in hot weather, etc...
But isn't there someone to check the produce?
OK, customer service takes over if necessary (it's happened to me 3 times!!!).
But every other time, I end up with very ripe vegetables and fruit, and even some that can't be eaten in their entirety!

Here are a few examples:
Tray of grapes completely moldy underneath (reported at checkout, exchanged at customer service)
Cucumbers wrapped in plastic, and I think, too old, because I had to cut off the ends (all soft) to have only medium crunch.
WHITE peaches firm to the touch but 3 out of 5 fruits too ripe inside, almost like puree, impossible to cut a quarter!

And so on...

Am I the one who's always unlucky...? All this has taught me to really look at products from every angle, and to avoid buying fruit and vegetables in Montreux.

I'd like to make it clear that I've never had a problem at any other Migros.
And I'm talking only about the fruit and vegetable section. No problem with meat, fish etc...

Have you noticed this too?
