Migros All Stars: promotional collection ends early
Migros All Stars: la raccolta promozionale termina prima
Dear friends and collectibles fans,↵↵our All Stars promotion has been very well liked and has exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, of course, this is a good thing, but it also brings disadvantages: marbles and tracks are starting to run out. With regret, we therefore have to end the promotional collection as early as Monday, Dec. 14.2020.↵↵But don't despair! 😉 You can still receive the special marbles that you may have missed last Saturday, as well as those that would have been distributed on Dec. 23. In addition, there is the possibility to order the already sold-out marbles tracks.↵On migros.ch/allstars you will find more information and also the form to reserve the marbles and/or the marbles tracks.↵Naturally, the exchange will also remain active.↵Those of you who have been in touch about this over the past few days via e-mail or contact form need do nothing. You will be contacted directly. Have a little bit of patience, though, because we have received a lot of messages about this.↵Thank you very much for your understanding and patience!"↵↵↵Kind regards, Marc↵↵By the way: I am Marc and I have been working in the Migipedia team for four weeks. Nice to meet you!