After editing a few posts, I would nevertheless like to ask that all my own posts can be completely deleted again as soon as possible.
On the one hand, opinions/evaluation bases on certain products - or entire product ranges - can change so quickly. On the one hand, opinions/evaluation bases on certain products - or entire product areas - can change so drastically that it is difficult to write a new comment in the context of an edit, sometimes several years ago. On the other hand, it unfortunately often happens that products are dropped from the range, after which a post can also not be easily updated by "editing" and inserted into a discussion from that time - whereby I find such subsequent insertion problematic. This is even more so as the date of the original post remains the same even after editing - but sometimes a lot has changed since then.
In connection with the above request, I very much hope that it will soon be possible again on Migipedia to completely delete your own 'tracks' if you wish. It is true that this can confuse the flow of contributions - albeit mostly from a long time ago - but I find the restriction to the "edit" function in cases such as those mentioned above to be no less inconsistent, and various of my own contributions to be so unpleasant or no longer relevant that I request the prior freedom to be able to remove them completely.