Lilibigg's children's menu and small gifts

Lilibiggs Kindermenu und kleine Geschenke

Hello Migros

I heard today in the Migros restaurant that in future you will no longer be giving Lilibiggs gifts with the children's menus. In future you'll only be giving ice cream, sticks of chocolate or a children's egg.
Allegedly this is because it always had to be in a plastic bag and you couldn't find any alternative packaging.
Well, to be honest, it sounds like someone has tried to package the bad news nicely.

That's a great pity. I would swap the Kinder-Ü egg (with aluminum foil) for the great things you put out every month any time. If the department that went to so much trouble every month still exists, please let them know: You were the best! McDonalds, Coop... take whoever you want. No one has managed to come up with such useful things for the kids every month on such a small budget. Much of it is still in use here and will remain so.
In contrast to the plastic junk from the restaurant competition, which ends up in the bin pretty quickly because it's neither useful nor fun for more than two milliseconds.

So long... it was a good time with you.

