Dear Migros team,
I'm posting my experience here because otherwise I didn't know where to turn. We had the pilot project "Le Shop Drive" in Staufen, which I used a lot. And for one very important reason: if you have babies, toddlers or so many children that you don't have room for them all in the trolley between shopping trips, Le Shop Drive was an absolute salvation: pick up without having to unload the mice! Famigros members thought they were in 7th heaven.
Until the service was replaced by Pick m'up. And I tried it out in Lenzburg. Unfortunately, not at all to my satisfaction. The parking garage is in the basement. But I have to pick up the goods upstairs in the store. Means: Unload the mice! Grab the trolley! The collection point is IN the store itself, right at the back by the cheese. And I thought that was really cheesy. I might as well collect the goods myself if I'm already in the middle of the store anyway. Conclusion: I'd rather have the goods brought back to my front door, unfortunately that's no use in my situation.
If it were solved in such a way that I could pick up my goods just 3-5 meters away from the trolley with the children in sight, like at LeShop Drive, I would be back in 7th Famigros heaven. So until the Pick'm'up stations have their own pick-up parking spaces, many parents in the Lenzburg area are mourning the good times of the Drive pilot project.
However, I am sure that you will find a solution and I am already looking forward to the family-friendly and handicap-accessible result. :)