Légere Cervelats
Légere Cervelats

Last week, I wanted to buy my "Légere-Klöpfer (Cervelat), as the Cervelat is called in Basel. Unfortunately there were none left. At first I thought, well, sold out as usual. I asked a sales clerk when the Légeren Klöpfer would be restocked. The answer: "Never again, they've been taken out of the range throughout Switzerland". I was astonished and said that the LK were often all gone when I went shopping, why had they taken them out of the range? She told me that they were selling badly, that was the reason for the nationwide "out of stock". Hmm....maybe someone from Migipedia could give me some clarification on this, why Switzerland-wide out of the range ??? I'm looking forward to an answer.
PS: Unfortunately, I keep noticing that Migros' own products or Légere products are taken out of the range, even though they are not "shelf warmers".
MfG Berenice