Dear Migros My daughter would be very happy about lactose-free Stocki and lactose-free chocolate yogurt!
All replies (10)
As far as I know, the M-Budget Stocki is dairy-free!
There is also a chocolate yogurt: It tastes different to cow's milk chocolate yoghurt, but it still tastes like cocoa. Maybe your daughter would like to try it? Who knows, maybe she'll like it :-)
Otherwise, what I personally like 1000 times better than ready-made flavored yogurt: natural yogurt + cocoa powder + sweetener of your choice. Or very decadent: chocolate-nut cream, stir in melted/chopped chocolate...
Hello Kurumi Unfortunately the Stocki is not lactose-free, it has milk powder in it. And unfortunately she doesn't like soy either! Neither do I, by the way! ?
The only lactose-free chocolate yoghurt currently available is the one made from soy, which was suggested by @Kurumi. Unfortunately, no new chocolate yoghurt is planned at the moment. Kind regards, Nicole
Homemade stocki with lactose-free milk and potatoes from Migros tastes even better ;-) ..... I always make the yoghurt with L-free yoghurt and cocoa powder or with L-free Schoggimus (health food store).
Dear @melny I must have made a serious mistake if there were any milk components in there ;-) @Nicole_Migros has also confirmed it above...
Mix your own natural yogi with cocoa, your daughter can't NOT like that! :-)
Hi Melny, thank you very much for your input. We have asked our nutrition department whether they can recommend a Stocki. Unfortunately, we don't have a chocolate yogurt from aha! We are happy to pass on the fact that your daughter would be happy to be introduced to it. However, we cannot make any promises. Kind regards, Milena
Of all the potentially unwanted additives, the ones in the M-Budget-Stocki are rather harmless: phosphate is classified as critical because it hinders calcium absorption (which is totally natural - also happens when you consume dairy products, which contain phosphate & calcium...). And sulphur dioxide should be taken in moderation by allergy sufferers...