Is it in the spirit of "from the region for the region" if, for example, you offer chives worth less than CHF 2 with the country of origin Kenya, or sage from Morocco? I (unfortunately) only noticed it at home. I simply cannot imagine that the supplier, e.g. Mäder Kräuter AG in Boppelsen, cannot find Swiss growers who are able to supply these products in sufficient quantity and quality. If you imagine that the chives cost --.95 centimes and are delivered to Switzerland by plane from Kenya, the sustainability is very questionable for me. And if I have to pay CHF 1.30 instead of --.95 centimes, I'll still buy the chives. This product is not a price decision, whether I buy it or not, but a pure need. In future, my contribution to sustainability will be that I will no longer buy such products in Migros. I'll just leave them to rot on the shelf and buy them at the nearest farmer's or market. Best regards