Labeling products gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan etc.
Kennzeichnung Produkte gluten-, laktosefrei, vegan etc.
9 years ago
Hello dear Migros
I wanted to ask why all products are not clearly labeled as gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan, etc.?
For example, organic rice drink almonds only says 'without milk', but according to the ingredients it should be gluten-free, so why can't it be labeled as such? That would simply make it a lot easier for us coeliacs...otherwise there is always the uncertainty as to whether there is perhaps a contamination because it is not clearly declared as gluten-free. As I myself have a massive reaction to traces of gluten, it would be great if all products (even those that are not from aha!) were labeled accordingly...isn't that feasible?
Kind regards