Hygo WC blue rinser - empty after 1.5 weeks

Hygo WC Blauspüler - nach 1.5 Woche leer

4 years ago


Dear Migros I'll take the liberty of copying a review from myself here: "I don't know what you've done with the consistency, but for about a year now the tabs have been dissolving extremely quickly and are therefore quickly empty. Normally they last about 6 weeks. Now it's down to 3 or max. 4 weeks. At the beginning, the water is deep blue instead of just slightly colored as before. I also often have a liquid blue sludge in the basket. No matter what you changed, it wasn't to the benefit of the customers... I was always very satisfied. But now I have to deduct points." https://produkte.migros.ch/hygo-wc-blauspueler-blue-water-refill It's getting really tedious now. I now buy these things once a month and the last one lasted 1.5 weeks. As already written in the review, they lasted about 6 weeks a few years ago. Has something been changed in the composition so that they immediately disintegrate into a liquid slurry and practically everything is washed away at once? I'll post this here in the forum as of course you don't get an answer from Migros in a review, but I'd be interested to hear your feedback :) Many thanks
