Grosi's celery salad

Grosi's Sellerisalat

Hello dear Migros team!

My grandma makes a delicious, refreshing and slightly "exotic" celery salad that I absolutely love.
Celery isn't actually one of my favorite vegetables, but this recipe has completely changed my mind! The great thing about it is that you can also replace the celery with cabbage salad or mix it with a little carrot salad.

Now for the recipe: (products are of course all from Migros :))
- 1 cup of organic full cream
- 1 pack of organic celery/carrot salad or organic cabbage/carrot salad
- 1 can of pineapple in pieces, a little juice from it
- 1/2 organic lemon (the juice)
- approx. 2EL cress vinegar

Start by whipping the cream until frothy to create an "airy" sauce. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix everything well. - Done!
The pineapples give the salad a sweet note and make it a light, refreshing salad.

Perhaps the ideal light snack for the take-away chiller cabinet?
Or in the restaurant with the various types of salad?

Give it a try, I would be delighted if the idea turns into something!

Best regards

All replies (7)


Hello Janine

Thank you for sharing the recipe with us here on Migipedia. It sounds really delicious.

I'll be happy to pass on your suggestion to the catering managers. However, I can't promise you that we will take your recipe into account because we already have our own recipes, some of which are regionally adapted.

However, one or two users here on Migipedia will certainly be delighted with this recipe and give it a try.

Kind regards
Tanja Migipedia Team

Hello Tanja

Thank you very much for the quick feedback!
...and for forwarding the recipe idea. :)

Best regards


Hello JanineSt
Have you ever tried the really good celery salad in the tins from Masshardt? in one of those aluminum bags.... (There is also beetroot and bean salad from the same manufacturer. It also has pineapple and apple puree in it. A little "tuning" as desired. I have also been an avowed celery salad fan for a very long time!
Best regards Steve

Hello Steve

Thanks for the tip!!! I've never looked around the canning jars for celery salad until now.... Maybe a mistake?! ;-)
I'll look for it at my local Migros first thing in the morning...thanks again! :-)

Best regards


Hello JanineSt
And, have you checked whether the celery salad I recommended is also available? I always shop in the Bern region. (Gen. Migros Aare). Best regards Steve

Hello Steve

Unfortunately, we don't have the Masshard celery salad you recommended in Migros. (Bümpliz)
Even on Migipedia under the products I could only find the lettuce from Masshard?

I'll have a look in Westside this week, maybe they have it there :)

Best wishes and have a good start to the week

Hello Steve
In the past few days I've been to all the Migros branches in the area (Westside, Bümpliz, Stöckacker, etc.).
Unfortunately, Masshard's celery salad was not available anywhere.

At the VOI in Tscharnergut, however, I found Masshard's lettuce. :-)

Kind regards