Glyphosate in agriculture

Glyphosat in der Landwirtschaft

Dear Migros

What are you doing to ensure that our agriculture converts from conventional to organic farming as quickly as possible? Immediately... Not in a few years' time. Not yield maximization at the expense of the environment and animals, but organic, Demeter with heart and joy in the yield, grateful to nature.

I see you are importing supposedly organic vegetables from Spain. For me, that has nothing to do with organic.

To what extent are the imported and domestic organic products poisoned with pesticides and other waste?
Can I see the results of the sample analyses anywhere? Or what is the best place to turn to?

Glyphosate has been approved again in the EU for some time.
I can't believe it, because the stuff is also sprayed in Switzerland.

But it's not just about glyphosate - it's about all the factory farming, the use of antibiotics à discrétion, fertilizer in streams and everywhere else where it causes horrendous amounts of damage, other pesticides, herbicides, fungicides... Soil depletion... the list is probably endless.

And no, I'm not being pessimistic or unfair. It's the future that I have grave concerns about if we don't all change 180 degrees and rethink.
