Fruit and vegetables - sometimes just waste in my Migros store.
Früchte und Gemüse - in meiner Migros-Filiale teils einfach nur Abfall.
Complaints lead to nothing. Because: I find good products in the fruit and vegetable department at Migros, unless I'm looking at budget products. There are: Regularly muddy, rotten and spotty carrots; regularly rotten, moldy lemons in the display; regularly damaged potatoes with black rot, severe wireworm infestation and the highly toxic solanine spots, also with an unusual caliber; regularly reworked iceberg lettuce that is cheekily sold at full price; regularly rotten cherry tomatoes; regularly apples with bruises and bruises; regularly lettuce with extensive rot on the root cut. I have often complained about what I am writing here without success. Because of the rot, what I have complained about is not even fit for animal feed; it should not find its way onto the shelves, but the budget consumer is apparently expected to buy it anyway. I get the impression that the fruit/vegetable budget consumer is classified here as a customer of the last class. What does Migros think about this?