Food waste - how does Migros deal with it?

Food Waste - wie geht die Migros damit um?

I was recently at the OLMA in St. Gallen, where the topic of "food waste" was very strongly highlighted from different perspectives. It was shown that in Switzerland around 1/3(!!!) of all food does not see a plate, but ends up in the trash without being eaten. There are studies worldwide that come up with a global food waste percentage of 50%. I am interested to know what Migros' position is on this issue. Does it have the issue on its radar? How does it deal with this issue in terms of logistics and the cold chain? What does Migros do with food that has just expired but is still in perfect condition? How does Migros see its obligation in this regard? Are there already concrete actions, such as sending dried food to areas affected by severe hunger? Questions upon questions, but I'm simply amazed, because nobody really needs to go hungry, do they?
