Fitnesspark Zurich

Fitnesspark Zürich

Outdoor shoes are tolerated in the training area! No-go situation. Deteriorating cleanliness at Fitnesspark Zürich. Letter from the fitness manager: My colleague informed me that you contacted reception today regarding the rules on training shoes described in my email. Cleanliness and hygiene are very important to us. It is not for nothing that, unlike other fitness facilities, we have a maintenance cleaning employee on site during all operating hours. Despite the adjustment of the shoe regulations around 4 years ago, the fitness parks have not had any negative experiences since the changeover. As a matter of common sense, our guests adhere very well to the rule that clean shoes are worn for training. A large proportion of them automatically switch to special indoor shoes before training. If it is not the case that clean shoes are being used, our employees speak to the guests directly. There are therefore no plans to adapt the change of shoes policy in any of the fitness parks.
