FAMigros survey

FAMigros Umfrage


I just received an email with a survey asking what could be improved or added. I thought it was quite nice at first ... (even if the question about the favorite prize in a competition = family car is probably a bit exaggerated)

But in the end I was asked if we were members of FAMigros (hello?! how else would I have received the email), about age and gender, where we live, how many people live in the apartment, how old the individual children are and so on. What's that all about, dear Migros? This is just collecting and has absolutely nothing to do with FAMigros! And nowhere was there the point "I don't want to say anything about that". And now don't tell me that it's all anonymous, because you sent the survey to your personal email address ....

If you want to know something like that, then it can be asked somewhere on the personal page in the profile and be voluntary. but not at the end of a survey ...
