3 years ago
I need carbonated iced tea. #migroscultea #sparkling #sparklingcultea #soulsparkle
There used to be a Lipton Ice Tea Sparkling. I don't know if it's still available from the competition...
Migros' own was also carbonated. I had it once and it was surprisingly less strange than expected. It's probably out again. https://migipedia.migros.ch/de/forum/kult-ice-tea-in-dosen
In the Netherlands, carbonated iced tea is much more popular than the one without. But I can't do anything with it 😂
That's right, it looked like this and was also "disposed of" about 2 years ago with the usual "flimsy" answer. I liked buying it because carbonated was something else, there was one from Lipton in the Coop for a very long time. https://image.migros.ch/xhdpi_pi_list/4b07f4d2b54eceae29843ada3140a01a2dd36dc4/kult-ice-tea-sparkling-zitrone.jpg