A world without history and a past

Eine Welt ohne Geschichte und Vergangenheit


It may be that your Infoline people like to answer the same questions 1000 times

It may also be that only the future counts for you

But what would this world be like if everyone thought like your Migipedia thinker?

Mozart?...deleted, who was that......The Middle Ages?...deleted, what was that?

and there's no answer to anything...great world, isn't it?

now you realize where I'm going?....

What about the product history?...what about the products that are no longer available in Migros?...I also want to find these products in Migipedia....

1 example...the 3 times changed Migros Energy Colas....where are they?...as a customer I want to be able to see in a good Migipedia why my favorite product is no longer available!

The cola changed from Budget to Classic and then to 5dl Budget Cola and then disappeared without anyone knowing why....

something like that belongs in the Migipedia and please don't give me space reasons, a picture and a few kb text can afford me a Migros 1 trillion times...

So, don't delete any products...remember the past....she makes us what we are and we learn from our mistakes.

Thank you
