Piano lessons cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cours de piano supprimés!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having just learned that piano lessons will be discontinued from 2012 at the Ecole Club de Vevey, I would like to express my deep disappointment. Recently retired, I started piano lessons with great enthusiasm, as I had not been able to do so during my working life. I'd like to point out that the person working at Veyey knows exactly how to motivate young and old alike, and that progress is constant. For me, as for many young families, it's simply not possible to take such courses at a conservatory in the region, given the exorbitant prices. It is most regrettable that Migros should abruptly give up promoting what was one of its main missions, namely the dissemination of culture to all social strata.
In the hope that these few lines will be of interest to readers and decision-makers alike, I send you my best regards.