C-19 Tip: Use the correct entrances to Migros

C-19 Tip: Die richtigen Eingänge zur Migros benutzen

5 years ago

Many stores have different entrances, think about how you can minimize unnecessary contact: - Use entrances without elevators (buttons!) - Use escalators instead of elevators (without handrails) - Prefer entrances near the toilets and wash your hands well before shopping, keep a paper napkin to clean the weighing handle afterwards.
- Choose vegetables/fruit/open bread with your eyes only (would actually always be the case...) - Keep your distance - Pay with contactless cards, even better with a credit card stored on the Migros app, as no code is required on other people's devices) - Load your car and then wash your hands again Blibet Xsund! Good example in Bern-Westside: In the U1 at M-Electronics there are toilets with automatic sliding doors.
