Bread in various sizes size portions

Brot in versch. Grössenportionen

I recently went shopping in Vorarlberg. In addition to the large loaves of the breads in question (about 5 to choose from), there were pre-packed portions of each. Some had 2-3 slices in them, others more. Wouldn't it be a great idea for Migros to offer sliced bread in different sizes rather than large ones? sizes?

Kind regards


All replies (10)

Then it gets even more rubbery

Then it gets even more rubbery


@steilina: In my opinion, a justified wish for 1-2 person households. This sliced bread is not comparable with small breads (Bürli, high rind content) or in the other corner the toast bread (machine bread without rind content)
Even with breads with a small proportion of rind, such as the round St. Gallerbrot, it is different to have half a pound than a half-pounder, which looks like a large Bürli.
Bread is always a habit from your youth that you miss when it's no longer available. I grew up with round 2 and 3 pounders, airy bread with little crust - and I suspect that's what the questioner is after.... if only because of the mention of Vorarlberg :-)

they were freshly cut - I stored them in the fridge overnight and ate them in the morning and they are very fresh. So this would be a great idea for single households.


Hello Steilina

Thank you for the suggestion. What we sell sliced and packaged are breads like pumpernickel or rye bread (in this style:

But I think you would rather have the classic Swiss breads like Halbweisse sliced like this, is that right?

I came across this one while searching:

And if you enter "durable breads" on our product page, you'll find a few things: and organic here:

Is there something for you? If not, please feel free to describe what you would like and I will pass it on to our bread people.

Best regards


Thank you Dlminik

I know these products... but pumpernickel is not my thing. Thanks anyway. I also bake some myself and freeze the slices.


That's what I thought. The other one, for example, the stone-baked bread, perhaps?

Best regards


yes yes i know that... just something like that simply in different portion sizes (single households 3-4 slices) ..but all good otherwise thanks ;)
greetings nadine

Yes, you see this more often in Austria. The slices of bread are cut, weighed and packaged in the store. It doesn't turn out any more rubbery or dry than other bread.

yes it was very fresh..mega fine