I sit on the bus and stare at my shopping. I am a very conscious shopper, all the food is labeled organic. And suddenly I realize: I don't want this anymore! I can't see or hear all this organic rubbish any more!
I want those products that are NOT organic to be labeled and packaged! The way food should be. Why on earth does organic have to be specially labeled?
The other way around would be right in my opinion! Everything that is treated with pesticides, pumped full of additives or genetically modified should be labeled accordingly!
So instead of "organic tomatoes from Austria", please label them "chemically treated tomatoes from Spain"! Instead of the label; "organic eggs from free-range farming" please use the label; "eggs from cage farming"! And instead of the label; "organic-meat" please use the label; "meat-from-animals-that-are-pumped-full-of-antibiotics"
That would change our shopping behavior permanently. From one second to the next!