Subject: Poor quality of Migros Ticino pomegranates

For some time now there has been no quality control here (Ticino/Locarno).
I have been buying 3-5 pomegranates a week from Migros for many years ... -
depending on availability: G. are missing completely or are brown + shriveled in the rack.

Some of the fruit we buy is unripe or damaged (seeds dull).
The price per fruit is steep. (Fr. 2.90-3.90)
There is no organic label or indication of origin or product declaration.
There is only ever one variety.
The precious fruits lie around like cider apples or pears.

The miserable shadowy existence of a highly functional food for consumption,
... in my main grocery store.

As a Migros owner, I complain about the shabby treatment
of my daily vital food.

The joint use of almost all the components of the pomegranate -
is what makes the ingredients so effective.
(Polyphenols, phenolic acids, phytohormones and unsaturated fatty acids)

Please, dear MIGROS and Migros co-owners,
review the conditions and your attitude towards pomegranates
and improve the image, appearance and reputation of the pomegranate.

Kind regards

