Old vegetable/fruit varieties

Alte Gemüse-/Früchtesorten

10 years ago

I've noticed that more and more people are asking about seasonal vegetables and seasonal fruit! Preferably from the region?
Sure, I say, it's not always possible! And I am of the opinion that we should take advantage of today's opportunities. Yes, I also eat asparagus in February!
But I'm also all for seasonal and regional produce.
There are many great vegetables, some of which have been forgotten or are in the process of disappearing because they are apparently not good enough?
That's why old varieties should be reintroduced in the fruit and vegetable department! These can certainly be produced regionally, as they are often native to Switzerland or neighboring countries!
Such vegetables would be, for example, parsnips, parsley root, beetroot which is two-colored on the inside, Küttiger carrots, etc.
When it comes to fruit, I immediately think of the Uster apple, for example!
Such varieties would certainly be something for the CoR line!
We already have a lot of these vegetables as we have a subscription to Bio-Pac and therefore receive a bag full of seasonal organic vegetables and fruit every two weeks. They are always used up so quickly that it would be great to find old produce like this in Migros too.
