Combine 10x birthday voucher with Sunday 5x?

10 Fach Geburtstagsbon mit Sonntags 5 Fach kombinieren?

On my birthday I received a 10-slot voucher - thank you! Now I've seen that there are 5-slot Cumulus vouchers in the newspaper to benefit from the Sunday sales.
My question now is, can I redeem the two vouchers together at the till?
Lg knadja

All replies (9)


Hello knadja80

Thank you for your message. Before I give you an answer, I would like to briefly check with those responsible myself.

I will get back to you as soon as I have feedback from them.

Best regards
Tanja, Migipedia team


Hello knadja80

It's as I had it in my head: you can combine your birthday voucher with the 5-fold voucher. Different types of vouchers can be combined.

Best regards
Tanja, Migipedia team

I ask myself: Who comes to birthday coupons? Do you have to shop for huge sums of money? Or is it only for Famigros members and singles are - once again - at a disadvantage?
I would like to say the following: not only families, but also people like me who have to live on disability benefits have a limited budget! Yes, I know that this does not apply to all IV pensioners, but it is also not true of all families that they have a small budget. Especially if both parents are working. I find Famigros unfair anyway, as I would really like to have a family!



I guess it depends on which co-op you're registered with. Some apparently give out vouchers with multiple Cumulus points. From the Migros Zurich cooperative you get a coupon booklet with various 10 percent vouchers for e.g. supermarkets, Melectronics; but also for a discounted slice of cake.

At least as far as Migros Zurich is concerned, you don't need to be registered with Famigros, just have a Cumulus card.

Wow, I must be living in the "wrong" canton! Thanks for your info. But I'm not going to move because of that :-)

so not at migros aare either?

Yes Kathrin, that seems to be the case, because I also live in the Migros Aare area. But it doesn't make much sense that some people get more than others. The prices (except for promotions, fruit and vegetables) are the same throughout Switzerland.

too bad, i would also be happy about birthday coupons, sigh.


But here in the Migros Zurich economic area, we don't have 2x Cumulus points every Thursday all year round. We also don't get 10-franc shopping vouchers (from CHF 80) via Facebook. Migros Aare organizes a multiple points day (5x, 10x) more often than Zurich...