Blévita Rice Cracker Kokosnuss

  • Brand: Blévita
4.30 CHF|210g

Blévita Rice Cracker Kokosnuss

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4.0287 ratings

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«Customers generally find the crackers to be very crunchy with a light and pleasant coconut flavor. However, some reviewers mention that the crackers can be too hard and occasionally have a rancid taste before the expiration date. There's also a sentiment that they are too sweet for some tastes.»

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287 ratings

1 week ago

Simply super

1 week ago

Very fine and crispy. Something different!

2 weeks ago

Top taste

2 weeks ago

Crispy, aromatic, simply super. Addictive!

2 weeks ago

I find the crackers delicious fresh, and for gluten-free crackers they are actually really tasty. But you have to eat the crackers fresh. As soon as you buy them, they become horribly rancid in taste. That's why I no longer buy them at the moment.

3 weeks ago

Sind sehr fein

1 month ago


2 months ago

Nice and crispy. Coconut flavor is only very slight.

2 months ago

Tastes like cardboard

3 months ago
