I ordered four items (comforter, pillows & comforters) from Micasa online on April 17, 2022. The delivery date would have been April 26, 2022. On April 25, I was informed that the delivery would be delayed and would probably be delivered by May 7. From then on, it was an absolute disaster. On May 16, I was informed that the delivery would be further delayed and would not be delivered until around July 16! When I asked customer support (on the same day) why the delivery was so late, although the goods would be available in 2 days according to the online store, I only received an answer on June 13 from a completely useless employee who offered me no viable solution. I was only offered to cancel the order or wait until the goods could be delivered on June 24. On July 11, I was informed that some of the goods (1 of 4 items) could only be delivered on July 29. Surprisingly, the goods would have been available in a store. I informed them of this and asked them to obtain the goods from there. It was not until another week later that I was informed that the goods could only be obtained from the central warehouse and whether I wanted to keep the order or not. Furthermore, the employee talked about chairs instead of bed linen, which again shows that my request was not looked at carefully at all. Another 2 weeks passed with notifications of shipping delays. On July 29, I received the shipping confirmation of the goods and received them on July 30, a whopping 3 1/2 months after the order date!!! Delays in delivery can happen, but the treatment of customer support was absolutely cheeky! I ordered goods worth almost CHF 400 and had already paid in advance and was not even offered a voucher, discount or similar! Absolutely thumbs down Micasa!