With AMIGOS, the app is part of the project. How else are you supposed to reach the bringers who are on the move? It also makes sense to test the project as a pilot for a while first: if it is not accepted by customers, the costs would not have been as high as for a nationwide launch.
Hello double mirror
Migusto is not available as an app, but as a mobile-optimized website. There you have exactly the same functions simply in the browser of your cell phone or on your laptop. If you log in as a club member, you can also save recipes.
When there were no smartphones, there were no apps and you could still shop online. Registering for a Migros account would have been a great way to log in. Now those who don't have a PC have to buy one to take advantage of the offer. Just like those who don't have a smartphone or a PC have to buy one of the two if they want to use the Migros app. It's called fairness for all.
Before you write about something, you should find out more about what it's actually about. AMIGOS is not just about shopping online. www.amigos.ch
Thanks for your contribution, Mystery. You're right, of course, that there were no apps when there were no smartphones. In this post, the question was asked about the Migusto app, I hope we were able to help the new user.
Too bad there is no Migipedia app. I completely agree that there should be a Migusto app. It's been around for much longer. Thanks for the info Dominik_Migros.