Durum wheat "rimacinata" flour, chickpea flour, pea flour

Farine de blé dur "rimacinata", farine de poid chiche, farine de petits pois

These are basic products that are sorely lacking in your assortment. I've already asked for durum wheat flour and received the idiotic reply that there is no demand. Homemade egg-free pasta is made with durum wheat flour. It also makes excellent bread. All this for people who have an intolerance to wheat and who generally have no intolerance to durum wheat (nothing to do with gluten, but rather with a protein).
Result: I live 20 km from the Italian border and for the first time I went shopping on the other side of the border. Did I buy only the flours in question? No, of course not, I spent around a hundred euros. When I've finished my products, I'll go back and spend three times as much.
So, in addition to the dozens of new products you introduce every week, think of the basic products too. And to think that until now I bought 95% of everything at Migros, including household appliances, HiFi, PCs, and so on.

All replies (4)

Hello Waterflower

I'm glad to read your comment, because it allows me to reply with the good news that I've seen chickpea flour, soy flour, coconut flour and rice flour in my local Migros, among other things....

Perhaps you missed it?

Here's the link to check which Migros near you will be able to buy these flours:


Kind regards


Thank you very much for your reply. Chickpea flour is only available in Sant'Antonino. On the other hand, there is no trace of remilled durum wheat flour, which I will have to continue buying in Italy.... I certainly won't be doing all these chilometers for just one product......I've noticed that this flour is often on the verge of being sold out, which means it's very much in demand.....

Migros & co have not yet understood that there is a growing number of people who are intolerant to wheat protein (but have no problem with gluten) and milk protein (nothing to do with lactose either).
On the other hand, we have no problem with durum wheat, and have to resort to it to be able to eat homemade bonpain and possibly pasta (but there's plenty of it in the shops). AHA products are useful, but frankly in the mouth it's a different story!

Hello Waterflower

I just wanted to let you know that I've forwarded your messages to the colleagues responsible for the special diet.

Kind regards


Hello waterflower

Thank you for your patience. I have just received an answer to your query. The person in charge of flours wrote me that organic flour for spätzlis is recommended for making homemade pasta.

It's made from 50% durum wheat and 50% white wheat flour. There's even a recipe on the back of the packaging.

As far as farien Aha or for allergy sufferers is concerned, at present there isn't enough demand for it to be offered.

I hope you find this reply helpful and wish you a pleasant afternoon.

