Frey Prestige - assorted chocolates, where have they gone?
Frey Prestige · Pralinen assortiert, wo sind sie geblieben.
3 days ago
Every year I sent the fantastic Frey Prestiges chocolates to friends abroad. At the end of November, of course, so that they would still arrive. Where are these great Frey chocolates this year? Just last year, Migros ran expensive TV ads for them. I can't find them among all the random Lindt gift packs! Lindt is boring and available everywhere, even abroad. Frey was super exclusive. I was of the opinion that Migros should pay more attention to its own brands again. And no, I don't mean the Confiseurs chocolates, they're not as great as the Prestiges. Will these chocolates still be on sale and if so, when?
Official Migros answer
2 days ago
Hello FreyFan, thank you for your inquiry. How nice that you treat your friends abroad to a pack or two of Prestige pralines every year. The gesture is heartwarming and certainly always puts a smile on their faces! Unfortunately, you'll have to come up with another idea for this year - because the products are no longer returning to our shelves ☹. This decision is due to the drop in demand. To our disappointment, the eagerly awaited response failed to materialize. We do not have a 1:1 alternative. But maybe these truffles will convince you just as much? I hope so! Best regards, Tabea