Hello kari75n, thank you for your message. We will be happy to look into your request. We assume you are referring to this article: https://www.migros.ch/de/product/122027600000. In order to check availability, please let us know your preferred shopping region or stores (locations). We look forward to your feedback! Best regards, Lea
Hello kari75n, thank you for your message. We will be happy to look into your request. We assume you are referring to this article: https://www.migros.ch/de/product/122027600000. In order to check availability, please let us know your preferred shopping region or stores (locations). We look forward to your feedback! Best regards, Lea
Hi kari75n, thank you very much for your feedback. After consultation with the specialist department, we are still offering this item. The order quantities vary from store to store. It is also at the discretion of the respective store whether and how much of a product is ordered. The Migros supermarket in Düdingen currently has stock. We recommend that you place your request for ginger juice with your preferred store - they may be able to accommodate you 😊. Kind regards, Lea