No more soy-based products, (yogurt milks) oleaginous..., vegetarian!

Plus de produits à bas de soja,(laits yogurth) oléagineux...,végétariens!


13 years ago


I'm often disappointed by migros organic fruit and vegetables (lately Italian organic carrots not good at all...) and the sprouts are not fresh... I find that your vegetarian range is not very well developed, apart from the cornature range which I don't consider "healthy" given the added fats and the fact that it's highly processed and often very salty for children.

I'm happy with the recent sesame bars!

I'd like to find more vegetarian products, such as plant milks (like the Coop's riz-amades, which is really good). Your rice milk is small (there are 6 of us!) and just with rice flour:-(
I'd like to find soy cream without 5 kinds of E and made mainly from palm oil. Frankly, I've never seen such a terrible composition for a vegetable cream!

Soy yogurt flavors don't change much, so when will hazelnut, almond, vanilla, strawberry and other fruit flavors return?

Why not vegan soy cream-based tardinades, or oilseed purees?
